Vor fast 2 Jahren erblickte MyOApp das Licht der App Stores. In den Tagen nach der Veröffentlichung gab es einige Updates um Fehler zu beheben. Auf neue Features warteten die User aber vergebens. Das Warten hat nun aber ein Ende. Der Wettkampfpause sei dank: MyOApp 2.0 ist da! Was…
The last week I had time to work on a small tool for Orienteering Mappers and Course Setters: OcadDiff. OcadDiff takes two versions of an Ocad Map or Course Setting file and shows the difference between the two versions: Basically it compares all objects of both files and shows a…
So this is already the third part of my serie about Continous Deployment on Azure App Services (which is the new name of Azure Websites). In the first part I talked about what Continuous Deployment is and how it could easily be configured on Azure App Services. In the second…
Ok, this is the second post of the serie about Continuous Deployment on Azure App Services (also known as Azure Websites). So if you haven't read the first post with an introduction about Continuous Deployment on Azure App Services you defintly should! In the first post I showed how to…
Today I want to talk about one of my favorites topics in Software Development: Continuous Deployment. And since talking only about one topic would be pretty boring I want to mix it with another topic I like pretty much: Microsoft Azure. Azure Websites or Azure App Services as they are…